Friday, December 12, 2008

Funny Videos of the Boys!

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Tyler's habit of eating while asleep!! The video is four minutes long. Hold tight because the last minute is the FUNNIEST!!!

Thomas singing the Scooby Doo theme song!! Notice all of the funny made up phrases he sings.


Erik and Tammy said...

That makes me feel so sleeeeeepy!

The Bornies said...

AAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Oh my gosh!! I know how you feel Tyler....I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!

Jme said...

I love it! It is so funny watching Tyler sleep eat! He is a very good multitasker already, and 2 such very important task too! And I love Thomas' scooby doo singing! Little kids singing is the absolute cutest!

Laura Hyde said...

That is hilarious!!!!! You have to enter poor Tyler falling asleep eating into the funniest home videos...they still have that right? Anyway, you'd win the $10,000 easy. That was precious!