Friday, July 3, 2009


Our niece, Charli Mae Niu, was born Thursday, July 2nd 2009.
Melissa was amazing that night!  And I feel so blessed to have been there to experience her peaceful birth.

Livia came to our home to hang out with the boys while Philip and Melissa were at the hospital.  Thomas and Liv fell asleep on our cute!
Then next day we took the boys and Liv to the hospital to meet Charli.
Liv is so proud of her new sister, and Tyler and Thomas love their cousin.
As Tyler held her for the first time he said..."Hi Charli, I am you big cousin, Tyler"
Thomas and Liv dressed themselves that morning...
They look a little homeless.


johnandcourtney said...

YAY! I am so excited for them. I had no idea. I love the name Charli! so cute. Cant wait to meet her!

Philip and Melissa said...

How blessed we are to have you guys in our lives....really...what would I have done without you?

In all seriousness, thank you for being in the hospital with me and sharing in such a memorable moment in our lives. We love you guys so much.